(Press Release)
First Global Ebook Finalists Announced in Advance of August 20th Award Ceremony in Santa Barbara California
Aug 7, 2011…On behalf of Dan Poynter's Global eBook Awards, www.globalEbookAwards.com
We are proud to announce our first ebook finalists:
Dudley's Fusiliers — Historical Literature - Fiction
Dragon Cloud — Pre-Teen Literature - Fiction
The Pathway to Love Workbook and Guide — Best eBook Cover - Other
When You Need a Timeout — Women's Studies - Non-Fiction
Flight of the Sorceress — Historical Literature - Fiction
A New Earth and A New Universe — Classical Studies/Philosophy - Non-Fiction
Touching: Poems of Love, Longing, and Desire — Poetry
Conversations with Jerry and Other People I Thought Were Dead—Death/Dying (Thanatology) - Non-Fiction
Jack the Dog: And His Boy—Animals/Pets - Non-Fiction
How to Study with Mind Maps: The Concise Learning Method—Education - Non-Fiction
School Carnival Guide—Education - Non-Fiction
Butcher of Dreams—Mystery/Suspense/Thriller - Fiction
You are invited to join us for Santa Barbara's Premier Global EBook Awards Celebration to be held Saturday, August 20, 2011 at the Fe Bland Forum at Santa Barbara Ciry College.
It will be a red carpet, star studded evening of Awards, celebrity MC and speakers followed by dinner at the Harbor Restaurant. . A day of activities is also available http://awardsforebooks.com/awards-ceremony-2011/ for you and your family.
The Red Carpet will be out for the 5pm Global Ebook Awards ceremony at Santa Barbara City College, Fe Bland Forum, overlooking the ocean. The event will be viewed from live Internet streaming for the world to see and a crawl across the bottom of the screen listing all the winners from the 79+ categories, where attendees and their ebooks will be viewed live on screen.
For more information : www.globalebookawards.com